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Why you should not process PVC with the laser machine

Hazardous gases

PVC contains Chloride and Chloride is an anion. That means that Chloride is a negatively charged ion and therefore not in a balanced state. Chloride is not the only one; more materials contain an anion. Below is a small selection.

  • Fluoride F-

  • Bromide Br-

  • Iodide I-

If you are unsure whether your material contains one of these elements or another anion, you can request the MSDS (M aterial Safety Data Sheet) from your material supplier. It states what a material is made of.

Should you not know how to read an MSDS, please check this article: How to read an MSDS?

Chloride wants to become balanced when it is in gas form. To reach its balance, positive particles are required. These positive particles have to come from some source because Chloride does not or cannot produce them itself.

The gases make contact with, for example, the steel in the machine. The gas will take positive particles from there. It will eat away at the steel, as it were. That causes the steel to become unbalanced and break down. It may look as if the steel is rusting and will gradually turn orange.



The gas affects everything it encounters. Think of metals, but also of human organs. If you work with PVC / anions, your machine will be affected quickly and will no longer work properly. There will be play on the head, play on the axes, etc. Because of this, the machine will no longer be accurate and eventually, it will stop working.

People who work near the machine run a high risk of disease. Think for example of cancer. Even when you extract the fumes, it is impossible to do this safely. The gases damage exhaust systems. If you use an extraction system without filters, the gases are displaced but remain harmful. When using an extraction system with filters, they will not absorb the gases and the supposedly clean air that is being blown out will still be saturated with harmful gases.

When a person is working at the machine and anion-containing materials are being processed, that person will get sick. The eyes become irritated and feel burning. Over time, the person may go blind. The lungs break down, the skin becomes irritated. There is an increased risk of cancer.

If you process PVC / any material containing anions, the warranty on the machine is void.

Oops, I accidentally processed an anion-bearing material. Can I still use my machine?

Unfortunately, the damage cannot be reversed. It is also the case that the machine will not stop being damaged until the anions are in balance. Only once the anions are in balance that process will stop.

Anions do not keep themselves alive like, for example, rust. Rust feeds itself indefinitely. An anion stops damaging things once it is in balance.

If you have been cutting PVC for a week, for example, the machine will still be degrading months after that. Due to this, it is also difficult to replace only the degraded parts in the machine. There may be particles released which will accumulate on the new part. Subsequently, this new part will be affected as well.

I would like to replace parts anyway. What do I need to consider?

Imagine you have a damaged machine. You would like to replace one of the motors because it no longer works properly. You would like to transfer the timing belt pulley from the old motor to the new one, even though it is a bit tarnished. Unfortunately, the particles of the affected timing belt pulley migrate to the axis of the motor. Due to this, the new part may soon fail again.

It is difficult to estimate when the anions are in balance. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say whether the process has stopped after 2 months or whether it is still active. Of course, it may well be the case you have not been working with PVC / anion-containing materials for some time and you would like to have the machine in proper working order again.

To do so you will need to clean the machine with damp cloths completely. Make sure to wear gloves and a proper gas mask to make sure you will not inhale the mist / dust. Everything must be absolutely clean, no mist or dust should be left anywhere. The whole machine must be dust-free. Ensure that all dust comes out of the corners and crevices. Do not blow or vacuum the dust with a vacuum cleaner. This will simply displace the problem. A vacuum cleaner does not have a suitable filter and will therefore spread the anions throughout the room. The vacuum cleaner will also give out. The best thing to do is to sweep up the dust with wet cloths. These should then be disposed of as chemical waste.

After the machine is completely clean and dust-free, it is best to wait a while before replacing any parts. During this time, keep an eye on the machine to see if it is affected again. If it is not and it is really clean then you can replace the parts relatively safely.

Not sure if your material can be processed? Please send us a ticket with the MSDS attached.