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CAD/CAM laser software


To keep you up to date with the newest LightBurn software you can download it directly from their location here.

Standard softwares

MachineLast uploadVersionLink
BRM Original03-05-20216.33.44Download
BRM Budget31-05-20218.00.29Download
BRM Auto Feeding31-05-20218.01.19Download
BRM Original Metal31-05-20211.33.12Download
BRM Budget Metal31-05-20211.00.16Download

LaserCut 5.3

LaserCut 5.3 software is machine-specific, this includes calibrated configurations.

Submit a ticket using the button on the bottom right of this page and we will help you find the right software. This ticket requires the following information:

  • Machine model (X + Y size is sufficient). A photo of the type shield is also okay, as longs as it is legible.
  • Hybrid or stepping motors. There is a sticker on the motor on the right side of the work area. We would like to receive a picture of this sticker.
  • Picture of the display of the machine.
  • Picture of the motherboard (this can be a green PCB or a grey plastic housing).

All text in the pictures must be legible.

LaserCutEngrave 3.3

You can download the LaserCutEngrave 3.3 software here.